Pakistan held general elections in the country on 8th February 2024 for the 16th National Assembly. The two major parties taking part in the electoral process are PMLN and PPP. PTI was forced to present its candidates as independents after the controversial Supreme Court ruling stripping them of the party symbol in a run-up to elections. Candidates contested for 342 seats of National Assembly, 272 of which are directly elected, 60 are reserved for women and a further 10 are for religious minorities. Elections for provincial assemblies in Pakistan are conducted on the same day as National Assembly elections. Voters stamp two ballot papers, one for National Assembly and other for Provincial Assembly.

Environment of Election Day

Election day saw a bright sunny morning with all the famous people asking the general masses to come out to vote. Currently, any estimate of turn over of voters will be premature and we should wait for the electoral results as they are expected in few hours.

Mobile network was suspended for the election day and internet was restricted. This brought some criticism from the PTI and other major parties. The caretaker authorities draw this action towards the violence incidents by terrorists that hit some candidates before the election day. By the grace of Almighty Allah, election day saw a smooth voting period except for some polling stations where agents of opposing parties misbehaved with each other.

Courtesy : Business Recorder

Result Expectations

PTI and PMLN are expected to contest vigorously for Punjabi seats while KPK is most expectedly PTI pro. PPP might win with substantive majority in Sindh and a coalition is expected in Baluchistan. Federal seats may got to PMN alone. National Assembly may see a coalition government of PMLN with minor parties and PTI might come up as a big opposition.


Whatever the case, Pakistan has yet to see an un-engineered, fair and free, uncoerced and transparent elections. We only hope that Allah may force this country’s power holders to allow a government elected and governed by the people.

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